Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Aaarrr, matey! I've got hooks!

Good news, everyone!

I went to Dr.B's (the orthodontist) today. He took a long look at my teeth molds and said the problem that stood in the way of surgery could be easily fixed. Better yet, it can be done after the surgery. wee!!

He continued on to mention that when he was speaking to the surgeon last Wednesday he was talking about the wrong sister. Gee... that's nice... ;P But I figured as much when Dr. Leibold (the surgeon) kept asking if I had my SureSmile wires with a puzzling look.
Dr.B went ahead and but the surgical hooks on me today too. [on the weird topic of hooks.. image searches for "hooks" yield funny results: here. I'm not saying anything...]

He also ordered my second pair of SureSmile wires, they'll be here in 6 weeks.. Incredibly enough, he thinks I'll have surgery by then. I'm not that optimistic, but if it's possible I'm happy; if not.. I just wish he hadn't put the surgical hooks on just yet.. the one in the middle makes me look like David Letterman.. like I have a gap between my two front teeth (the hooks are black).

Oh well! All an' all, I'm pretty darned happy! :B


Unknown said...

Weeee! Yep, definitely all that finger crossing I've been doing! ;P

Good to see some good news from ya. Great picture, btw, lol!

Jen said...

I can't believe he has already put the hooks in. Do you at least have a surgery date?
I am happy for you. Seems there is a light at the end of your tunnel.
I went to the ortho today and he is still twicking things. I think it's going to be another 2 months before I can start talking surgery.
Good Luck.

Dragon (Karen) said...

Exciting that your surgery could be done so soon ... here's to it all happening at the best time for you!

Good luck getting used to the surgical hooks!

Michelle said...

Wow! So I'm reading your blog trying to figure out what kind of procedure they're gonna do, when I clicked on the Smart Smile link, and the realization hit me: I live in a small town!!!

I haven't heard about this before, but it sure sounds innovative!

So do you still have your hooks in? I'll be getting those put on the day before my surgery. I wonder why you have yours on for longer...

ah, the mysteries of dental gear and surgery!!
