Friday, June 20, 2008

Jaw Surgery Dreams

Last night I had a dream that I just had my jaw surgery.
My chin was huge and deformed, and mouth was "wired" (aka banded) shut. For some reason I kept trying to open my mouth, or my teeth would come off the splint and wouldn't go back on it. All this time I kept thinking "Why do I keep trying to open my mouth!? Stop moving it!" Everything felt so tight and uncomfortable.

Even after I woke up my jaw was stiff and sore. *shiver*

It was such a weird dream.
(By the way, the picture on the right is a jaw bone dream catcher. I figured it was completely appropriate for today's post.)

So, my blogger buddies, have you had any dreams about braces, jaw surgery, or any upcoming event, for that matter, that went awry?


Tara said...

Oh yes, MANY of dreams occured before my surgery! I would always dream that my teeth fell out! IKES!

Great blog!!! And I LOVE the pics that you made for after surgery. You are going to LOVE the results! Good luck, and don't hesitate to ask questions!

Kam said...

Haha, yeah, I keep thinking after all this jaw surgery/braces stuff my teeth are going to purposely fall out if only out of spite!
Thanks for the comment! My mom said my MS paint "before/after" experimentation was too subtle, but I see a huge difference. (I guess it's just a thing we jaw surgery people can recognize better than those "normal jawed folk" ;)

Michelle said...

Well, now that I've seen the jaw-bone dream catcher, hopefully it will filter out those bad dreams!!
