Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dental Dissapointment

Well, I went to what I thought would be my final consultation for the surgery- where the doctor would tell me what and when all this jaw-stuff would be done and we'd get all the insurance stuff squared away... but apparently my top jaw is wider than the teeth on my bottom, so if they moved the jaws like they wanted to, it wouldn't line up so great.


That means I'll have to get more orthodontic work before my surgery, when all this time I thought that all my teeth work was finished. And I've already have my SureSmile wires in, so I've got NO IDEA what this means for my surgery. It would take over a month to get new Sure Smile wires, if that is the plan, or if they take those out and put regular wires in it's like.. What was the whole point of doing ALL that work to get the SureSmile wires?

I was listening to the Doctor speak on the phone to my orthodontist. And I hear "Christmas break" and "Late Fall" and tears where coming to my eyes. I do not want to wait that long, and I also don't want to be a slobbering swollen mess alone, 4 hrs away from my family for Christmas. (Nor would I want to during Thanksgiving/my birthday).

I feel like my window of opportunity is disappearing.

But I hope hope hope hope that all this dental stuff works out so I can get surgery BEFORE the fall. Wish me luck!


Unknown said...

Eek. Sorry to hear about all of the setbacks. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you though!

Jen said...

What type of surgery was planned and what is the new plan?