Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mo-Mo Weekend!

Today I had my pre-surgical work up. I had new models made, blood work done, and all the paperwork was signed and sealed. And who came to do it all with me? My mommy!
My mom, and littlest brother, Clay came to visit me sunday-tuesday, and the time flew by soooo quickly.
Mom was a huge help, making sure I had the essential post-surgery items, and everything I needed before surgery. (we even got matching pjs, so that I can heal in style with my mo-mo!) ;P

My brother insisted I get a little bell so I can ring when I need assistance (he's so cute), I got a mini-dry erase board so I can write/draw silly things at the hospital, we also got frozen juices, soups, and other things so that I can "eat". (The hunt still continues for the cold spa mask and I'll be adding Rachel's new best friend to my wish list) So, I think once the big day comes around on the 24th, I'll be ready!

The pre-op visit went pretty smoothly, but now I'm starting to think "did he forget this? or that? How will this affect surgery?"
Like, for example, the measurements. I know almost everyone had strange measuring devices attached to their heads on the pre-op work up.. but he didn't do that, although I thought he said he was.. so I hope he didn't forget.
Or, He made a comment on the number of surgical hooks my orthodontist put on me and said something like "I guess we'll get by with this" (As my brain is screaming "Wait!! I can go back to the ortho and get more hooks! Don't "just get by" aaahh!")
Also, I really was hoping to learn my blood type, since I couldn't donate blood to myself, and I wanted to know which parent would have to donate to me in case of emergency,but the hospital wasn't given the "fancy paperwork" and so now it's "something we'll figure out the day of surgery". Grr. I wanted to knoooow! :(

But, I'm sure everything will be fine, and I'm really happy my mom and clay were able to visit me before the surgery date. yay :)


Anonymous said...

i found your blog through holly's... i had surgery the same day as michelle (june 25th) and i'm really just now getting to see all the blogs. if i can figure out how to add everyone to my list, i'll add you (if you don't mind). i loved your brother's idea for a bell- that was one of the things we figured we'd just kinda wing after my surgery, and my mom actually found a little cowbell that they gave out during one of my college football games.. it was something she thought you'd be able to hear- except when my dad was sitting on the couch across the room, sleeping :-). hope all of your pre-op stuff continues to go well!

Anonymous said...

Meet the Surgeons! They both seem very nice. Dr. Leibold spent time with us (Kam and Mo-Mo)answering questions, such as how will this effect my nose, my profile, he said this procedure does change the shape of the nose, but within a year should look like it does pre-surgery. It typically raises the tip and broadens the base, which should go back to normal. That is what is so great about this blogging, I would have never known that was a side effect to this surgery without the other bloggers mentioning their noses changing. I agree with Kam Dr. Largent seemed alittle distracted, We need to double check on acouple of things with him. I wish I could of spent more time with Kam before surgery, but have to save up the vacation time for post surgery.

Anonymous said...


Oh, that bell idea is just too cute.

You're so close to your surgery, it sound like you're approaching it very confidently; that's great!


Michelle said...

Matching pj's with your mo-mo? Now, that's too cute!!!

I really like your positive attitude, Kam. (I realize I keep calling you Kam, but your name is Kelley. Is that ok???)

You know, if I were you, I would call the oral surgeon back and ask him about those measurements. My doctor used a contraption, known as a "face-bo," to replicate my exact facial dimensions. The nurse also took measurements of my nose, lips, and cheeks. My surgeon told me those measurements were used to recreate my facial dimensions on the face-bo, which he used for practice. He said that he does like a 6-hour practice run on the face-bo before actually performing the surgery on my face. I was SO grateful he practiced on something else and not my face!!!! So yeah, give him a call see what's up. You should not go into surgery with unanswered questions!

And if he wants more surgical hooks, then go get them. Don't take any chances on this. Give your OD a call and ask him about getting more hooks.

Sorry, Kam, I don't mean to be bossy! I remember my sister telling me that if I needed anything to be sure to call for the nurses. It sounds like such a little thing for her to say, but I needed to hear it. For whatever reason, being given the green light by my lil' sis made all the difference, and I never hesitated to ask for help when I needed it. You shouldn't hesitate, either!


Michelle said...

Your mo-mo just left me a comment on my blog to tell me that your doctor has all the measurements and hooks for your surgery. Whew! Sorry about writing such a long comment earlier. I just wanted to make sure that everything was on track for July 24. Gosh, am I worry wort or what?!?


Michelle said...

Awww, thanks for your sweet comment. I feel so special. Now where do I get those matching pj's?


Rachel said...

Vaseline lip therapy is a must. My lips got really dry so I slather that stuff on all day. The corners started to crack a bit, but the more hydrated you keep them the better. Ice is good at the hospital but once you get home, just do the heat pack. Heat will help the swelling and brusing and increase blood flow. You might want to bring some of your favorite bath gel. You don't really feel like bathing at first but by day two I was ready to take a washcloth bath at least! I took Chindarell's advince and used a notebook instead of a dry erase board so you can read all the crazy stuff you write under the influence of heavy drugs. Its pretty funny. I would also clean your house/apt, do all the laundry, etc so when you come home its nice and tidy. Drink tons of water the day before as well. It makes the IV go in much smoother.

Anonymous said...

Kam: Rachel used glutamine which reduces healing time after operations. Since there is a health food store nearby maybe you should get some. She took it every other day, plus a healthy diet.

I laughed when I read Rachel comment about cleaning and doing laundry. I spent a good portion of my time getting the condo cleaned up and got all her laundry done. When I was there last weekend.

Kam said...

I know! I thought of all your hard work helping me, mom! I luv yoou momo!

Unknown said...

Only two more weeks to the big day, woo!!

Dragon (Karen) said...

Great that things are moving well towards your surgery day Kelley!

Your Mum and little Bro sound like they'll be great support for you and we all know how important that is.

Keep up the great attitude! :-)

Rachel said...

Hey Kam,
I forgot to ask you but I have a ton of Zip N Squeeze bags that I never used. I only tried it once and had better luck with the syringe. Some people swear by them, but Holly and I didn't do so well. Anyway, you can email at raheckmann@yahoo.com if you want me to send them to you. I have no use for them and they are brand new.

Michelle said...

Hey Kam,

You'll want to double-check with your surgeon about drinking & eating the day before your surgery. I couldn't eat or drink 6 hours beforehand. Just wanted to give you this tip before you drank a gallon of water for those IVs!!!!


P.S. If you need more zip 'n squeeze bags, I got 'em too and I'm not using them so they're yours if you want them!! :0) M

cookieyum said...

Everyone is healing so fast they dont need their "Sippy Saks" Zip N' Squeeze bags, that is great!