Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Splint Fitting Day

Well, today was splint fitting day! I walked in to the office and was quickly seen by Dr. Largent, and he showed me were my teeth were going to be, but before he could fit the splint, he had to file down some of my teeth so that they would fit together properly after surgery. No biggie.


Well, other than a little bit of sensitivity here and there, and the smell of teeth smoke, it didn't hurt. That is, until he accidentally slipped at the very end and cut into the soft veiny underside of my tongue.

Then the floodgates opened.
Although I only let a couple tears pass in the office, I went to the restroom afterward and saw my mouth filled with blood. And burst out in tears. Like, not only blood was spilling from the cut in my mouth, but so were anxiety, fear, sadness, overwhelming grief. I was embarrassed that I was so upset, but it caught me off guard, and that hurt more than the pain.

I went to get a sonic slush afterward (Route 44 Lemon, no peel is my signature order) since it was happy hour (half off drinks). My mom must be psychic, because when I told her over the phone she said:
"Well, you should go to Sonic and get a slushie"
"Oh, haha, good you got one!"

But maybe when I was talking to her over the phone some of the anxiety spirits flew through the lines and got her, because I know this whole thing isn't easy for her ether. I love you, mo-mo, don't be sad :(


holski said...

aw, you and your mum are so awesome! What a great support system you have.

I think the crying thing is totally normal. For me, the emotions didn't really hit before surgery, but afterwards. I've been an emotional wreck!

Get it out girl! It's good for you.

Michelle said...

Unbelievable - he slipped and cut your tongue? *sigh* I'm sorry to hear that. Right before the surgery, life was pretty tense for me, too. It's like we bottle-up all our fears and worries, and then something out of the ordinary happens, and bam - the floodgates open, as you said.

I hope the crying helped, though - at least, as a release from all that pent up pressure.

That slushie sure sounds good, too!


stephanie said...

Oww!! I would have cried, too... except for I wouldn't have waited for the bathroom. I'm sorry :(

Anonymous said...

He cut your tongue???!! I hope he grovelled.

Ah, I've turned into a bawling baby over this whole surgery thing, braces, recovery and all. I don't even care anymore of what people will think, I see as what it is, just a way to evacuate tension and fears.


Michelle said...

Hey, Kam! I have a random question for you that I'd like to ask over email: mverges@iusb.edu.

Yep, I've got something up my sleeve!